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World Water Day

March 22nd annually

Water affects everyone, so we need everyone to take action.

The UN states that "The value of water is about much more than its price – water has enormous and complex value for our households, food, culture, health, education, economics and the integrity of our natural environment."

For further information, see World Water Day. For World Water Day facts visit UN Water.

  • “How Much Water Do You Eat?" Find out how much water is used in the preparation of various foods at The Water We Eat.
  • Discuss the importance of drinking water and include the new Canada Food Guide which says, “Make water your drink of choice.” See Canada Food Guide.
  • Discuss the benefits of reusable water containers.
  • Explore the issue of contaminated water and what happens when you drink it. Issues could include boil water advisories in First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) communities and the Walkerton water treatment tragedy of 2000.
  • Review or visit a water treatment plant and explore how clean water is made.
  • Do a lesson on scarcity of water and the importance of the Great Lakes.
  • Compare our water system with that of FNMI communities or other countries where water is scarce.
  • Make a mind map of the uses of water or how to reuse waste water. Find a WebQuest that your students can participate in regarding the sustainability of water and the environment.
  • Undertake a social justice action to raise funds for wells in developing countries. See Sopar-Balavikasa.
  • Explore how women are impacted by water scarcity and issues. View Water is a Women’s Issue.
  • The Wellington Water Watchers campaign is working to protect Ontario's waters. Watch their video here.