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ETFO Action

To safeguard public education in Ontario and to ensure that all students have access to high-quality public education, and to address inequities in all parts of society, ETFO takes action. 

Through steadfast activism on behalf of Ontario’s students, families, and educators, ETFO has won significant victories against government policies and programs that would erode public education in our province. This section outlines some of those actions as well as providing information on current campaigns.

As a union representing teachers and education professionals, ETFO is driven to lead by example. To lead is to take action which ETFO does by fostering conversations on important issues; promoting progressive, social justice values; and working as a catalyst for change and growth both within its membership as well as in local and global communities.

ETFO takes action to:

  • Support members and local leaders by acting to enable and support member excellence and local leadership.
  • Drive Labour action and cohesion on key topics such as precarious work.
  • Defend working and learning conditions by acting to advocate, defend and bargain for the conditions that build better school.
  • Build a just society by acting to advance the progressive conversations that build a more just society.