A safe and healthy working environment for education professionals is a safe and healthy learning environment for students. However, there are numerous hazards in school communities that can cause accidents, injury or illness. These hazards have the potential to affect the health, safety, and well-being of ETFO members, other staff, and students.
ETFO plays an important role in ensuring workplaces are safe and healthy places in which to work. All workers, including ETFO members, have a right to a safe and healthy workplace.
The legal and policy requirements to ensure health, safety and well-being in our school communities are set out under laws such as the Education Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and Ministry of Education documents such as PPM 145 Progressive Discipline and Promoting Positive Student Behaviour. ETFO works to promote and protect member health and safety in many ways.
The ETFO Multi-Year Strategy to Address Workplace Violence includes numerous strategies intended to address a growing concern facing education professionals. Enhanced training and resources for locals and members for dealing with workplace violence will put pressure on school boards to measure up to their legal and policy requirements.
In this section you will find the link to the ETFO Health and Safety website that provides extensive information about the legal framework of health and safety and assists members in advocating for a healthy and safe workplace.