ETFO’s latest project, the 365 Black Canadian Curriculum, is part of a compilation of equity resources for elementary educators. These resources, which support Black Canadian history in Ontario schools on a daily basis, include: a calendar; primary, junior and intermediate lesson plans; a workshop for staff; and a poster. With this resource, educators will have historically factual information to support the learning of issues concerning race and discrimination, while ensuring safe learning environments for students to discuss these topics in a respectful and reflective manner, while also exploring the realities of Black Canadians.
The student worksheets for ETFO’s 365 Black Canadian curriculum resource are now available in French for the primary, junior and intermediate lesson plans. Click the documents tab above to download them.
This year’s ETFO Black History Month poster is part of a larger resource created by educators for educators. We have highlighted a Black Canadian for each month of the year. The poster, in combination with the 365 curriculum and calendar, will provide educators and students with a visual touchstone to embed the voices of those who have been marginalized or silenced.
The curriculum resource for primary, junior and intermediate educators focuses on the lived experiences of Black Canadians from the past and present, 365 days a year. The documents were created to support elementary teachers in their teaching practice. The combination of the curriculum, calendar and poster as individual lessons or thematic units ensures that Black Canadian history is embedded in classrooms throughout the school year.
The individuals represented on the calendar offer a glimpse into the historical and contemporary political and societal realities faced by Black Canadians. The calendar is both a celebration and acknowledgement of a fraction of the contributions and impact Black Canadians have had to help shape Canada to be the nation it is today.
This practical and timely workshop is one of the Equity Workshops available in locals during the 2017-2018 school year. It provides resources and supports for educators in the implementation of the contributions, struggles and lived experiences of Black Canadians. The curriculum resource, in combination with the 365 poster and calendar, supports the inclusion of Black Canadians into classroom and teaching practice every day. The workshop balances history and research with ongoing reflection, application and collaboration to help teachers make intentional, purposeful and positive decisions in the classroom, while inspiring students to succeed.